Best Youtube Videos Embedder WordPress Plugin.
Create Best Video Site With Youtube Videos

Premium WordPress YouTube Plugin.
Very handy plugin to grab/import youtube embed videos.

YouTube Embed WordPress Plugin. Embed a responsive youtube video and make your perfect video site. YouTube Embed plugin is an convenient tool for adding video to your website. WP-YoutTube-Videos-Grabber Is The premium YouTube Plugin that turns WordPress into a powerful video site. Save time and money using our tried and tested application YoutTube Video Embedder Plugin to create YouTube video gallery faster from WordPress. Get top-notch support whenever you need it. It Embed YouTube Video and create best youtube Videos site. YoutTube Plugin grab Video Title, Video Image, Embed code from WorPress YoutTube Video Plugin can grab videos from multiple categories like Funny, Songs, Sports… It can grab thousands of videos automatically from provided YouTube. This is MOST TRUSTED WordPress YoutTube Grabber Plugin for wordpress . FREE Life Time E-mail, Bug Fixes, Chat Support & No domain limits.
WordPress YoutTube Video Plugin/Embedder is a premium wordpress video plugin that Changes WordPress into a powerful YouTube site. It is easy to install and in less than 10 mins you will have your own YouTube video site.
WordPress YoutTube Video Plugin/Embedder is the Best WordPress Video Plugin. This is the Most Trusted Premium WordPress YoutTube Video Plugin are available in market. WordPress YoutTube Video Plugin/Embedder is awesome YoutTube Video WordPress Plugin.
WordPress YoutTube Video Plugin is the best WordPress YoutTube Embed Video Grabber CMS platform. With this plugin is easy to create Automated WordPress YoutTube Gallery. Your Video Site will be automatically updated everyday!! It’s perfect to create Large Video Site from embed videos.
WordPress-YoutTube-Videos-Grabber is a powerful tool for grabbing YouTube videos with a wide list of features that every professional Video site needs! Unlike other WordPress Video scripts, our main goals are to make sure you will monetize your WordPress YoutTube Videos Plugin site! The scalability and control you have over the script will ease your way to a successful video site. Please be sure to check out the long list of features and if you have any questions just use the contact form.
WordPress YoutTube Video Plugin/Embedder grabs the Video Title, Video Image & Embed code of the videos from several providers and automatically publish the post! You don’t need to host ANY video in your own server, all videos will be published using the original embed code from the provider.
YoutTube Video Embedder/Plugin is a powerful piece of software that allows you to easily create video gallery.WP-YoutTube-Videos-Grabber is the Best WordPress YouTube video gallery plugin for WordPress, complete YouTube video plugin for WordPress.
There is a new WordPress YoutTube Video Plugin/Embedder available in WP-YoutTube-Videos-Grabber, that enables you to import thousands of YouTube videos automatically with a single click.
Easy to setup, WordPress video plugin turns your WordPress blog into a 100% legal YouTube gallery with embed videos! Put your site on auto pilot with automatic updates using Video sponsor feeds: WordPress video plugin can schedule and publish thousands of videos automatically!
WP-YoutTube-Videos-Grabber can Grab/Embed/Import videos from different categories. Please check below image how to add new video category. While adding a new category you need to put Source category URL from you want to grab videos, number of videos you want to grab from that category page, select destination category, feed status. You can keep videos as Draft/Pending/Publish.
After adding category you can view the list of your categories. Please check below image. You can Enable/Disable Feeds, update category URL, change destination category, delete category, change number of videos to be grab.
WP-YoutTube-Videos-Grabber allow you to embed videos from multiple categories . You can grab/Embed videos from videos category like Funny, Commedy, Sports……………………………From source feeds. You can make YouTube gallery wordpress. of videos category and grab thousands of videos with single click.
If source feed is broken or videos not comming from selected category then just login to our support forum and download the patches. Source feeds often broken when source website make any changes in script.